- We have improved performance and stability for a smoother experience.
- We have improved performance and stability for a smoother experience.
Lezhin Comics, right at your fingertips.
- With our new shortcut feature, just long-press the app icon from your Home or Library screen to dive straight into Real-Time Rankings or your Library (Recently Viewed).
- Plus, we’ve made some updates for a smoother, more reliable experience. Enjoy the ride!
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improved access to 'My Library'
Improvements on app stability and performance
Free Coin Zone updated
Improvements on app stability and performance.
Recommendations settings UI updated.
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improved access to Gift Box. Access the Gift Box from the home screen.
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance.
Fixed background color issue with Dark Mode
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance.
Improvements on app stability and performance.
The payment page has been updated.
Additional improvements to app stability and user friendliness.
- Improvements to Notifications: you can now receive notifications for Subscribed comics and comics on the Free Tab.
- Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Added new payment class: VIP Membership.
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Added new menu for General, BL/GL on the Home Page.
Completed comics can be found in the new menu.
Additional improvements to App stability and usage.
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Added new function to Episode List: Tags
Improvements on app stability and performance
Added function to viewer: image magnifier
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements on app stability and performance
Improvements have been made to our 'Ranking' system.
Added 'Ranking' features: Genre defined 'Real Time', 'New Releases', 'Event', and 'Year'.
Additional improvements have been made to stability and usage.
We welcome you to the new Lezhin Comics with a new Lezhin Logo and representing character.
Additional improvements have been made to stability and usage.
- Improvements made to episode list UI
- "Go to top" function added to episode viewer
- Improvements on app stability and performance
- Improvements on app stability and performance
- Improvements on app stability and performance
- Improvements on app stability and performance
- Improvements on app stability and performance
- Added a feature to remember recently used account for login
- Improvements on app stability and performance
- Improved Gift Box, Payment Page
- Improvements on app stability and performance
* Improved Login Page
* Added 'Log-in with Google' option
* Improvements on app stability and performance
* Improved Payment Page
* Improvements on app stability and performance
* Improvements on app stability and performance
* Added New 'WUF' Tab
* Improvements in the design
* Improvements on app stability and performance
- Added Splash Screen
- Improved Sign-Up Process
- Improvements on app stability and overall performance
- Added thumbs up/thumbs down review function
- Improved User Interface and Stability
- Improved User Interface and Stability
- Error Fix - Free Coin Zone Payment System
Thank you for reading with us! This update includes:
- Improvements on Sign-up and Account Deactivation procedure
- Stability improvements
Improved User Interface and Stability
Improved User Interface and Stability
We’ve made some especially important updates that resolve the following issues:
* Payment Error when using Google
* The “failed to upload’ error that some users were receiving when visiting the On-Going tab
We apologize for the inconvenience.
* Improved stability and UI
* Improved stability and UI
* WUF is now personalized!
- Applicable episodes to be unlocked every n hours.
- After you read an episode of a WUF comic, the next episode will be unlocked just for you. The sooner you read, the sooner you’ll get access to the next episode!
- The availability and period of time users must wait for an episode to be unlocked differs between comics.
* This includes stability improvements.
* Added Personal Recommendation System based on user's preference
* Improved User Interface and Stability
* Added Personal Recommendation System based on user's preference
* Improved User Interface and Stability
* Participate in our various missions and receive prizes
* Improved User Interface and Stability
Improved User Interface and Stability
Improved User Interface and Stability
* Improved Search Function
You can now navigate to Lezhin Comic's main pages using the tab menu at the bottom
* Improved stability and UI
Improved User Interface and Stability
Improved User Interface and Stability
- Read more comics sorted by genre.- Recommendations on some of our most popular comics with numerous unlocked episodes.- Improved User Interface and Stability
- Improved Banner Loading Speed- Enhanced stability- Improved User Interface
- Improved Banner Loading Speed- Enhanced stability- Improved User Interface
- Added option to enable/disable continue reading where you left off- Improved performance and usability
- Added option to enable/disable continue reading where you left off- Improved performance and usability
Improved performance issues
- What is your favorite genre? 'FOR YOU' will recommend must-read comics from your favorite genre!- Improved performance issues
- What is your favorite genre? 'FOR YOU' will recommend must-read comics from your favorite genre!- Improved performance issues
Improved Service Stability
- Pick up where you left off - Bookmark function upgraded- Subscribe and receive updates on comics you don't want to miss - Subscribed Comic pushes updated- Other performance improvements